
How to Get a Duplicate Voter Registration Card


A duplicate Voter Registration Card is essential for citizens to be able to participate in elections and exercise their right to vote. Losing or damaging this document can cause anxiety, especially during election periods, but it is important to know that there is an affordable solution to resolve this situation.

The process for obtaining a new copy is simpler than many people imagine. With a few well-defined steps, it is possible to request and receive a second copy without any major complications, ensuring that you are eligible to vote in the next elections.


In this guide, we will provide you with detailed guidance on all the steps required to obtain a second copy of your Voter Registration Card. With this information, you will be able to carry out the procedure efficiently, whether online or in person, and ensure your participation in the democratic process.

Who Can Request a Duplicate Voter Registration Card?

THE 2nd copy of Voter Registration Card can be requested by any Brazilian citizen who is already registered as a voter and has lost or damaged their original document. It is important to note that in order to make the request, the voter must be up to date with their electoral obligations, that is, without outstanding fines for absence in previous elections or other irregularities.

Documents Required to Request a Duplicate

Before starting the application process, it is essential to gather the following documents:

  • Official document with photo: It could be your ID, work card, driver's license, among others.
  • Proof of residence: A recent document proving your current address.
  • Proof of electoral discharge: If there are any pending issues, they will need to be resolved before proceeding.