
How to Pull the ID by CPF


Verifying personal information quickly is a growing need in many everyday situations. Whether it's to confirm someone's identity, fill out an important form, or resolve bureaucratic issues, knowing how to pull up an ID using a CPF can be a valuable tool.

People often find themselves in situations where they need to quickly access their ID, but only have their CPF number at hand. Understanding how these documents are interconnected and what methods are available to perform this verification can save time and headaches.


All the necessary information on how to pull up your ID using your CPF and learn how to carry out this process safely and efficiently. This goal is to provide a complete and accessible guide on how to carry out this query effectively and safely.

What is RG and CPF?

To begin, it is important to understand what the RG (General Registry) and the CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry) are. The RG is the official identity document in Brazil, used to identify citizens in various situations, such as voting, contracts and other daily activities. The CPF is a document issued by the Federal Revenue Service, required for various financial and bureaucratic transactions.
