
Free apps to learn English


Learning English has become an essential skill in today’s globalized world. Mastering this language can open doors to educational, professional, and personal opportunities. Fortunately, with advances in technology, there are several free English learning apps that make the learning process easier.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best apps available to help you on this learning journey.



Duolingo is a widely recognized and popular app that offers an interactive platform for learning a variety of languages, including English. With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, Duolingo captivates users from the very first moment.

Features and functionalities

The app offers a variety of features to improve your English listening, reading, writing and vocabulary skills.

It features interactive exercises where you can practice the language through translations, dictations, word selection and sentence construction.


Interactive exercises to develop English skills

Duolingo exercises are carefully designed to keep you engaged and motivated. They cover a wide range of topics, including food, travel, business, and more.

Additionally, the app provides helpful tips and explanations to help you learn and understand the nuances of the English language.

Progress and performance tracking

Duolingo lets you track your progress and set personal goals. As you progress through lessons and complete exercises, your performance is evaluated and scored.


This scoring system helps track progress over time and motivates the user to continue learning.


Memrise is a language learning app that uses innovative vocabulary memorization and retention techniques. With a unique and fun approach, it offers an enjoyable learning experience.

Description of the application and its unique approach

Memrise stands out for its playful and engaging approach. In addition, the app combines videos, audios, and interactive games to help users learn and memorize English words.

With a variety of courses available at different levels, from beginner to advanced, Memrise gives users flexibility, allowing them to learn at a pace that suits them.

In this way, the learning experience becomes dynamic and adapted to the individual needs of each user.

Memory resources and vocabulary retention

One of the main distinguishing features of Memrise lies in its use of advanced memory and retention techniques.

Additionally, the app employs strategies such as spaced repetition, visual associations, and mnemonics, providing a comprehensive approach to aid in efficient recall of English words and phrases.

By incorporating these proven techniques, Memrise not only improves information retention but also significantly speeds up the learning process.

In this way, users benefit from a more effective and lasting approach, making the learning experience even more valuable and personalized.

Learning through videos, audios and fun games

Memrise offers a wide range of multimedia learning resources. Authentic videos and audio allow users to familiarize themselves with different accents and contexts of the English language.

Furthermore, interactive games make learning more dynamic and stimulating, providing a fun experience while acquiring knowledge.

Interaction with other users and learning community

Memrise has an active community of language learners where users can interact with each other. This interaction provides opportunities to practice English in an authentic environment and receive feedback from other learners or native speakers.

Exchanging knowledge and participating in discussions contribute to the continued growth and motivation of users.


If you’re looking for an app that encourages you to practice your English conversation, HelloTalk is a great option. With chat features and native speaker corrections, this app provides an immersive and interactive experience.

Focus on practicing English conversation

HelloTalk is specifically designed to provide users with the opportunity to practice their English conversation skills with native speakers.

Additionally, the app offers a safe and friendly environment, giving users the chance to communicate with people from all over the world who share an interest in learning the user's native language.

This practical approach is essential to developing confidence and fluency in the English language.

By interacting with native speakers in real-life situations, users can effectively apply what they have learned, consolidating their knowledge and improving their communication skills in a meaningful way.

Chat features and error correction by native speakers

The app allows you to exchange text messages, audio messages and even video calls with native English speakers. This direct interaction provides the opportunity to practice pronunciation, grammar and oral fluency.

Additionally, users can request corrections for mistakes made in their texts or pronunciation, which is extremely beneficial for improving language skills.

Cultural exchange and authentic learning opportunities

HelloTalk is not just limited to learning the English language, but also provides a cultural exchange experience.

Through conversations with native speakers, users have the opportunity to learn about the culture, customs, and traditions of English-speaking countries. This cultural immersion broadens horizons and enriches learning in a meaningful way.

Establishing international connections and friendships

One of the great advantages of HelloTalk is the possibility of establishing connections and friendships with people from different parts of the world. In addition to learning English, you can create lasting bonds with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

These connections not only help with learning, but also open doors to future opportunities such as travel and international experiences.


Free English learning apps offer a convenient and affordable way to develop your language skills.

Duolingo, Memrise, and HelloTalk are just a few of the options available that offer unique features and approaches to help you learn English.

It is recommended to explore different apps and combine their features to maximize learning. Consistent practice and dedication are essential to achieving language fluency.

Therefore, readers are encouraged to make the most of these mentioned apps and commit to their own language development.

Remember that learning English is not just a skill, but also a gateway to new opportunities and enriching experiences.

So, dive into this learning journey, take advantage of the free English learning apps available, and enjoy the process of becoming fluent.

Duolingo: Android / iPhone

Memrise: Android / iPhone

HelloTalk: Android / iPhone
